Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Regency Era Fashion Plates - September 1818 La Belle Assemblee

Regency Era Fashion Plates - September 1818 La Belle Assemblee

Explanation of the Prints of Fashion

No. 1 - Parisian Walking Dress
Round dress of printed muslin, of a cerulean blue spotted with black, with bordered flounces of the same material to correspond: between each flounce a layer placed of black brocaded satin ribband. Bonnet of straw-coloured gossamer satin, ornamented on the left side with a single full-blown rose, and a plume of white feathers. Cachemire sautoir, and parasol of barbel blue, fringed with white. Slippers of pale blue kid, and washing leather gloves.

No. 2 - Dinner Dress
Round dress of fine Bengal muslin, with a superbly embroidered border; the border surmounted by two flounces richly embroidered at the edges, and headed by muslin bouillone run through with Clarence blue satin: Meinengen corsage of the same colour, with small pelerine cape, elegantly finished with narrow rouleaux of white satin and fine lace. Parisian cornette of blond, with a very full and spreading branch of full-blown roses placed in front.

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